Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Glimmers of Dawn

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.  Matthew 5:6

There are three types of righteousness in the Bible: legal, moral and social.  The legal aspect is justification through Christ, “God’s righteousness,” which is the once in his lifetime payment on the cross.  But there is the moral and social aspect of righteousness that we are to pursue. 

When Jesus promises that we will never thirst again when we drink his living water, the presumption is that we keep drinking it. Not a once in a lifetime sip.  A yearning for rightness in our actions, thoughts and motives is a lifelong pursuit.  A yearning for rightness in our society, seeking liberation from oppression, civil rights, justice, integrity and honor is also a lifetime pursuit. 

I wonder if when we ask for our daily bread, it is more than physical needs being met on a daily basis, just enough- not too little, not too much, if that also includes this hunger and thirst. Whether, no matter how and where God has called us to action, He will provide His filling on a daily basis.  Not too little, not too much.

Posting all of those Dominican pictures on Facebook for Ramonita and Arabeli brought back the memories- the good, the bad and the desperate.  “God, give me the strength for five more minutes.”  Indeed I learned the waiting of a watchman- imagine the weariness, the cold, the pacing back and forth- eyes fixed on the horizon for the glimmers of dawn and relief.  I had no doubts whatsoever Who provided for my needs, who filled my hunger and thirst on a manna-in-the-desert level.

I wait for the LORD; my soul waits for him; in his word is my hope. My soul waits for the LORD, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning, O Israel, wait for the LORD, for with the LORD there is mercy; With him there is plenteous redemption, and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.   Psalm 130:4-7

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