Saturday, June 7, 2014

Take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself

Bendice, alma mía, al Señor,
y no olvides ninguno de sus beneficios.
El es el que perdona todas tus iniquidades,
el que sana todas tus enfermedades;
el que rescata de la fosa tu vida,
el que te corona de bondad y compasión. Salmo 103

El toque tierno de Dios fortalece nuestra fe, nos prepare para amar, aguidiza nuestros sentidos y nos ensena a ver con corazon. Su toque nos permite creer como ninos para que el mensaje del Evangelio puede renacer en nosotros. De Venezuela

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and may I not forget Your many gifts.

As we wait in the Bologna airport it is really a giant leap over the cliff.

But as I consider the steps day by day that have led to this point, His kindness and compassion have been evident. His soft touch strengthens my faith. And sometimes this touch is the gentle prayer of Matteo as he prays for his girls while we race down the highway in the bright yellow Volkswagon. May this touch refresh a childlike faith in me, "Jump, Christy, jump."

So I squinch up my eyes, swing my arms, and jump.

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