Friday, May 10, 2013

Everything is bigger in Texas

 For though the Lord is high, yet has He respect to the lowly, bringing them into fellowship with Him; but the proud and haughty He knows and recognizes only at a distance. Psalm 138:6

My Dallas meetings are being housed at an “inviting campus with a 185,000-square foot mountain lodge-style structure surrounded by acres of lush landscaping, walking paths and a prayer garden.” The ceilings soar, the floors gleam, the sturdy leather furniture invites, and beautiful artwork adorns every wall.  Forty evangelical ministries office here, from Child Evangelism and Josh McDowell Ministries to Hope for Orphans and Orphan Outreach and Wellspring of Hope.  Warm Southern graciousness and delicious generosity abound.  Round after round of grapes and strawberries and melon slices and Danish and salted almonds and slices of cheese and pulled pork and smoked salmon and Insalata Caprese and selected especially for me double shot Starbucks expresso and gummy bears all wrapped up in tissue paper and the Lone Star flag. 

And yet. I am struck this morning by a meditation from Weston who is facing the day-to-day of teaching English in Guatemala City.  And his description of Jesus reminded me that yes, Jesus is the sort of guy you would want to hang around, all the time: He devoted himself to helping, saving and freeing others. He had compassion. He acted through faith and power to touch people's lives. He preached the good news. His mind was set and his actions were made with purpose. A great teacher, leader and friend, he worked hard always. Jesus prayed a lot. 

And I am perfectly sure that Jesus walks these echoing hallways filled with dedicated, hard-working souls.  And I love the folk gathered around the table, and the gentle humor about who is going to have to walk home and who gets to ride shotgun and scooping M&Ms and figuring out how to run a better Elementary Speech Meet. And yet.  Today’s Scripture is striking: He has respect to the lowly, bringing them into fellowship with Him.

Other images besides verdant meadows and grazing horses abound on these stone and brick walls.  Black and white images spilling off of unframed stretched canvas. Eyes that sparkle with delight as fresh water splashes in their plastic bucket.  Dusty toes slapping a soccer ball far into the air.  Weary women wrapped up tightly with their hungry child.  And I am reminded of the sweet, sweet fellowship to be found kneeling down by glowing coals when one’s tummy is not exactly full, but one’s heart is brimming over under a sparkling sky.  

And I feel just a little bit lonely.

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