Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jelly fish look awfully pretty too

Sin embargo, yo siempre estoy contigo;
tú me has tomado de la mano derecha.
Con tu consejo me guiarás,
y después me recibirás en gloria. Salmos 73, 23-24

Nevertheless, I am continually with You;
    You hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward You will receive me to glory. Psalm 73:23-24

So my Monday night ladies met last night. And as we sorted through our stories together, this is where we left off at the end of it all: May I continually walk with You, hand in hand.

That was the thing about El Camino, no pretending that I was running the show or that it was all about me. Nope I was out there with The God of the Universe LORD Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and I was not. And His glory was revealed.

But now in my own backyard I act like a naughty little toddler, darting off here and there to investigate or blurt out or dabble around with something messy or dangerously painful. The kind of kid that I saw occasionally in airports across the world, that despairing parents had at last resorted to a chest harness and a leash, just to keep them safe.

And I just dropped Everette and Heather and Dustin off at the airport for a week of fun in the Mexico sun with Max and Andrea.  And not that my perfect granddaughter is ever naughty, but I imagine that all four of them will be on high alert.

And unlike Everette, Miss Courage of a Wild Boar, I am pretty unlikely to stick my hand into some octopus or electric eel hole. But my thoughts sure can wiggle down some dark spaces.  And it is His counsel that leashes me. His sheep know His voice. His presence goes before me and with me and behind me, holding my right hand.

Lead my thinking besides green pastures and still waters, my Shepherd, that I shall not want.

Restore my soul. For Your name’s sake.

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