Friday, June 19, 2015


“If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:25

When we speak about the Holy Spirit, we speak about the breath of God breathing in us. The Greek word for "spirit" is pneuma, which means "breath." We are seldom aware of our breathing. It is so essential for life that we only think about it when something is wrong with it.

Perhaps the challenge of the Gospel lies precisely in the invitation to accept a gift for which we can give nothing in return. For the gift is the life breath of God, the Spirit poured out on us through Jesus Christ. This life breath frees us from fear and gives us new room to live. Those who live prayerfully are constantly ready to receive the breath of God and let their lives be renewed and expanded. Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey

Well, I am aware of my breathing. When I fell whenever that was, so many days ago, I certainly cracked a couple or ribs on the other side of my chest. Not nearly so piercing as this spring, but I am indeed aware of every breath I take.

And the song of yesterday was "Every breath I take, I breath in You, Jesus." And something about "Waves of mercy, waves of grace. Everywhere I look, I see Your face. Your love has captured me. Oh my God, how can this be?"

And we are a tired team. It was a good day yesterday. But it was mostly proving that we could keep rolling, keep getting back on those bicycles and riding hill after hill.

Let me not so much step in the Spirit, rather roll in the Spirit all day long. Every move I make I move in You, Jesus. And I was thinking about Mexicali yesterday. And the joy came from living in complete freedom. Total release. Freedom. Joy. Love. Let it be.

Time for wake up call. Trying to find a balance between healing sleep and we have a very bright sunny day out there waiting for us that might call for a midday siesta in the shade. And the nice abuela who has opened up an albergue in her home washed and dried all of our clothes last night while we rode over to Nueva for dinner. And her granddaughter colored this great big poster for the wall of all the visions pilgrims might have on the way.

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