Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Velcroed Keens to keep from slipping.

Let them give thanks to the LORD for His mercy and the wonders He does for His children. Psalm 107:21

One who has loved is never quite alone,
though all the hills declare our solitude.
Having known you, I am no more afraid,
the essential singleness of blood and bone
when dispossessed, comes never in return; 
one who has loved is never quite alone. -Jane Tyson Clement

The wonder of it all. These last few days have been filled with pillared stones of the LORD’s marvels piled high around me, a fortressed home no matter my soujourn.

Thank You.

Never quite alone.

So many souls have shoved aside my blood and bone and crowded into my heart, essential singleness forever busted.

Having known you, you all my beloved.

The myriad you who embrace with both strong arms wrapped all the way around who laugh looking downward who send yet another silly meme who have eyes that crinkle in the corners or whose soft white hair tumbles over shoulders.

The beloved.

Having known You.

The Belover.

I am not afraid. The trail leading out the front door towards the tumbled eastern Rincon hills may look long and alone.

Fear not, for I AM Here, Yahweh-Shammah.

The name of the LORD God is a promise. A promise made in the wilderness of despair with but a stone for a pillow, a stone that became a pillar of promise.

And reading the crazy antics of Jacob and Rachel and Laban and what, suddenly Esau is the good guy? reminds me that we are but foolish spotted and speckled and banded sheep. Each and every one of us.

But Your mercy endures forever.

Blessed be the name of the LORD.