Wednesday, May 9, 2012

swirling stars overhead

The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high;
He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness,
and He will be the stability of your times,
abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.  Isaiah 33: 6-7

One of our favorite family things is popping down the lid of the Safari and do a drive about, down Speedway, speeding (relatively, remember this is the Safari) out and and away from it  all, wending past the last of big houses, up Gate’s Pass, out and out further through Sahuaro East, turn around now and look back; those ridges were in a dozen movies, lined with the shadows of the indians just before they swooped down on the hapless cowboys.  And the lost hubcap is also part of the memories now.  Swing around, past Dove in the Desert, and then the final ascension, up A Mountain, which I presume Dustin now knows, cactus by cactus.

And there it lies, spread out before us.  The quiet.  The lights, piled close together in the center, until they dissipate one by one into lonely foothills in all directions.  The streaming lights down I10, connecting one busyness with another.  Bright sports lights and small uniformed bodies moving a soccer ball back and forth.  Dark park patches.  The cemetery is dark as well.  A few other bodies jostle and settle along the roadway and join us in watching.  All is calm.  All is at rest.   It’s all a matter of perspective.  

He who dwells on high sees it all.  Nothing takes Him by surprise.  He is still in His presence.  Exalted.  And He will be the stability of my times.  And I can join His quiet and rest in His abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.


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