To whom will He teach knowledge, and to whom will He explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast? For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little. Isaiah 28:9-10
Unfortunately, knowledge is not easy. One would like to think that quick Wikipedia facts would count for it all, and whenever the need arises, we could punch a button and have the problem solved.
It is a long slow process requiring diligence. Like Alan building that adobe wall out front. Really, I think he worked on it for about two years. Or any of these art projects of his. Shovelful by shovelful. Brick by brick. Every day after work, he would add another layer. Or frame something. Shift things a little bit. Just slightly. So everything could slide into its place.
And every now and then, there is the “Ah ha!” moment, when there is a jolt which clarifies a whole new understanding of the message. The Big Point. But not so often. It’s more here a little, there a little. To build something meaningful, and sturdy, and beautiful.
And we have a patient God, who has been since the beginning of time, revealing His truth, and Who will stop at nothing to make it clear. May His name be praised.

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