Sunday, June 22, 2014

My hope is built on nothing less

Y Jehova sera nuestra Paz. Miqueas 5,5

Andad en el Espiritu. Galatas 5,16

La practica y testimonio de la Paz es tambien genoradora de esperanza para aquellos y aquellas que asi lo hacen, asi nos lo prometido Jesus en las bienaventuranzas: Dichosos los que trabajan por la Paz, porque seran llamados hijos de Dios.  Enrique Alva Callupe

My hope and peace is founded on the potent power of Jehovah Lord God,  the grace and mercy found in the blood of His Son Jesus Christ, and His Spirit within, by Whom I am called to walk each day, proclaiming the message of reconciliation. Then I will be called a child of God.

And yesterday I walked through the streets of Venice in a very golden, shimmering afternoon light. Through the original Jewish ghettos, across the foot bridge into the Moorish plazas for those involved in trade from exotic distances, into soaring gothic cathedrals and now modern hospitals and university dorms appropriated from ancient monasteries. And every beautifully crafted detail reminded me that we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. We, the endless, almost stifling stream of tourists...we, those pressed to television screens worldwide watching El Mundial World Cup, we, in this so ancient of towns established on these lagoon islands. That we may we be called the children of God.

The Lord's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.

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