Monday, March 23, 2015

And Nicole just walked out the door with armloads of colorful love for her kiddos.

Call to Worship: And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” Isaiah 6:3

Confession: O God, in creation You fashion us in your image, in Christ You reveal to us Your love, through the Holy Spirit You welcome us into the fellowship of believers; we bow in gratitude before You.

Prayer: Everlasting Creator-Father, I bless Thee for the everlasting covenant, for the appointment of a Mediator. I rejoice that He failed not, nor was discouraged, but accomplished the work Thou gavest Him to do; and said on the cross, ‘It is finished.’ I exult in the thought that Thy justice is satisfied, Thy truth established, Thy law magnified, and a foundation is laid for my hope. I look to a present and personal interest in Christ and say, Surely He has borne my griefs, carried my sorrows, won my peace, healed my soul.

My favorite three words in the Bible are “It is finished.”

I guess we all hear “I love you,” a lot, but what we really long for is for the demonstrated love. The childhood “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” doesn’t satisfy an aching heart.

Thomas wanted to thrust his hand in the side of the risen Lord.

While it is true that words alone can break a spirit, something more is needed to restore it. God’s words carved into two tablets proved insufficient, and so He came down to earth to show us His love. His Word in flesh and blood.

And thus, I, created in His image, am not merely to talk about love, but rather to live it quantitatively and qualitatively day by day, not discouraged, but accomplishing the work He has given me to do.

May I too be a mediator, one who carries heaven to earth in her little clay vessel that the world might join the one calling to another, “Holy, holy, holy.”

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