Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Exaltation of larks, murder of crows, parliament of owls

Anyone who does not gather in with Me throws away. Matthew 12:30

There is no neutral. No floating with the jetsam. He would rather spew out of His mouth than settle for lukewarm.

And every day I get to choose to embrace the golden sunrise and the Santa Catalina glints or to fix my eyes on the certainly pitted roads and just try to maneuver through the maze.

Seth Barnes, a friend from Wheaton who is in it for the long haul pilgrimage, a guy who is always just one step ahead of us in small business loans, Adventures in Missions, Listening Prayer and he even did a second Camino this summer, mulls over the lie of safety. Of faux-control. 

The Mideast is turmoil. Death is in the air. And yet, on Lesvos and around the world, the Kingdom is advancing.

It's what Jesus promised us. He said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Consider this - if you are not experiencing trouble, if you are not experiencing deep testing, then perhaps you are irrelevant.

No, it's not safe. Jesus is not safe. Neither does he want those of us who follow him to be safe. He said, "the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force." When my eyes snap open in the morning, he wants hell to say, "Oh no, he's awake again!"

I love that we get to play a part in this great drama playing out on a global stage. It is awesome to bring hope and freedom to those who have lost theirs. It can be simultaneously awesome and terrifying.

Where are you on this issue? Has safety become an idol for you? Do you feel the same privilege and exhilaration in serving the King as he wages war on an enemy bent on stealing, killing and destroying?

It kinda puts my morning dreads in pitiful perspective.

No murmuring.

Let me set forth with joy and hope and most of all, a heart of giving thanks, of seeing His goodness. May I be counted worthy to pick up my cross and follow Him into the rising up.

Because the needy are oppressed, and the poor cry out in misery, I will rise up,” says the LORD, “And give them the help they long for. Psalm 12:5

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