Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Under the shadow of the acropolis.

Come now and see the works of God, how wonderful He is in his doing toward all people. Psalm 66:4

Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Psalm 85:10

So Mary Anne really had it in her heart to visit a refugee camp. And even though he looked puzzled, the taxi cab driver told us that the old airport had been converted into a tent city. And even though the front desk clerk had never yet fielded this request, she told us how to take the tram far out of town. We figured the worst anyone could do is tell us to go away. 

 And the wind tossed the dust and the small tents of five thousand Afghanistans about ruthlessly. A row of port-a-potties lined up by the pavement. Inside the terminal a meal is served once a day. We spoke to a twelve-year-old girl who is learning both German and English. She has been here, waiting, for five years. But a group of kids were kicking a soccer ball around with a Finlander and his son. And an Italian laughed and taught them silly songs. Mostly they wanted to pile up into his big welcoming arms and to clamor up onto his back and pound on his head like a drum. And we smiled at the mommas and admired their beautiful children clinging to their knees. 

And then, after only a bit of time, we turned away, happy/sad. 

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 

Speak up for the rights of the poor and needy.

And the news reaches us here, even here in Athens. Of brokenness and pain and smashed hopes from all people.

Dear Lord God, may I be a light shining brightly, strongly, clearly, rather than one who curses the darkness.

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