Saturday, November 19, 2016

Every now and then they met a crabby pants, but not so much.

Splendor and honor and kingly power are yours by right, O Lord our God, For You created everything that is, and by Your will they were created and have their being. A Song to the Lamb

So last night Tim and Jenny and Momma and I gathered around the candlelit table and told stories. Tim and Jenny have just returned from a journey east, north, south and back again west with their cute little orange and green and crème trailer with every detail perfectly sweet.

And it was a trail of hope in spite of the new dark headlines and old battle scars pressed into myriad historical markers that attempt to drive fear and doubt spikes deep into our hearts. Not just the ripping upward mountain peaks and the fields full of shimmering harvest and rhythmic waves upon the lakeshore. Rather it was the flowing river of image bearers who welcomed them with humility and grace and kindness and yet another cup of coffee all across this great bigness of a continent.

Let me not forget the belovedness of each being today as I step out the door this morning into to do lists and traffic and dusty billows of wind. Let me pause and remember.

Blessed be Thou, most gracious God, that again Thou hast brought light out of darkness and caused the morning to appear! Fill me Spirit, I pray Thee, to keep myself in continual training for the punctual fulfillment of Thy most holy will. –John Baillie

Splendor and honor are Yours, O Lord our God, now and ever shall be. Amen.

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