Thursday, March 30, 2017

Every breath I take, I breathe in You.

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You. Psalm 33:20–22

To repine at disappointments does not mend the matter: it is only to grumble at our Creator. But to see the hand of God in them, with a humble submission to His will, is the way to turn our water into wine and engage the greatest love and mercy on our side.
We must needs disorder ourselves if we look only at our losses; let our murmurs turn into thankfulness.
Nor can we fall below the arms of God, how low soever it be we fall.
For though our Saviour’s passion is over, His compassion is not. That never fails His humble, sincere disciples. In Him they find more than all that they lose in the world. –William Penn

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:29

One of my kiddos is really struggling with stuff at home. It’s pretty rough. And it sure isn’t fair. And it shadows so much of her thinking. But. But.

So I showed her my lists and lists of gifts, and nowshe is rocking the eucharisto thing:
Beanbag chairs
Babysitting kids
Harry Potter
Taking off your flip flops when you step on the beach
To do lists
Romeo and Juliet
Writers circle
Cooking random things
My neighbor's puppy rolling in his flowers
My neighbor's Flowers (even though my allergies are bad)
Henna art
Nail art
Washi tape
Rainbows without rain
The mountains in the morning
Being the first to wake up at my house (its like I have dibs on seeing the morning!)
The ocean
My older brothers
Really full moons
Frozen yogurt with my three cousins
My littlest cousin who calls me " big sissy"

Last night I went back to Desert to watch a crazy silly play put on by my kiddos of three years ago, who still hold my heart in their smiles. They are amazing.

And I hugged one girl close, one who is also shadowed by disappointments.

How are you?

Breathe in, breathe out.
Every breath I take, I breathe in You.
Every move I make, I make in You
You make me move, Jesus
Every breath I take, I breathe in You
Every step I take, I take in You
You are my way, Jesus
Every breath I take, I breathe in You.

Waves of mercy, waves of grace
Everywhere I look, I see Your face
Your love has captured me
Oh my God this love
How can it be?
Wow. The joy unbridled.
Sweet dusty memories,
Every spring break for eleven spring breaks,
Waving in the Mexicali dust,
Crowds of us waving,
Hands shading our eyes,
Looking for His face,
Pointing our fingers upward,
And crossing our arms over our heart to remind ourselves:
Your love has captured me,
Oh my God, this love
How can it be?

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His mercy endures forever.

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