thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us
diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are a sweet
fragrance of Christ unto God. 2 Corinthians 2:14,15
And with fear and trembling stand;
Set your minds on things eternal,
For with blessing in His hand
Christ our God to earth descended,
Come our homage to command.
am surrounded by a community whose minds are set with clarity and strength, no
crashing waves of doubt or divided purpose. Fragrance bearers. A grace and
gentleness permeates the very air I breathe.
the master teacher walked through a beautifully crafted lesson demonstrating
academic language support yesterday. He opened by spritzing air freshener into
the classroom with the words osmosis,
molecule, high concentration, low concentration and equilibrium written on the board.
actually this particular version of sweetly scent Axe Active tends to trigger
my gag reflex although it does bring back distinct and oddly fond memories of
last year’s eighth graders bathing themselves in deodorant after the lunchtime
basketball game. Last year’s eighth graders? Ha! Generations of eighth grade
boys. One year I outlawed its use, although it is difficult to discern which is
worse: with or without.
I digress.
point is movement. The objective. And by the time Wissam had finished his
nineteen-minute lesson on osmosis, there was no doubt in any of our minds, none
of us would ever forget the word.
abound here in Erbil.
The sweet lady who waters her sidewalk every morning to produce the dense steam that somehow still smells dusty,

The bakery where we purchase samoun, the diamond-shaped breads, where men lean into the flames again and again,
The diesel spitting out of myriad generators clicking on and off at all hours of the day and night to supplement the national grid,

we spoke of the power of the modeling strategy. We spoke of lessons learned
from our parents, from our friends, from the pounding media. We spoke of
samples of power paragraphs and debate openings. And as I watch the lives of
those around me quietly and determinedly set on the eternal, it is both
humbling and profound.
I never forget the Word.
Lord, our strength and purpose come
from You. Direct our steps today, and turn us from the perishable things at
which we grasp. Cast Your light upon us so that our lives may bear witness to
the light (and fragrance) of Christ. Amen.
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