Friday, February 15, 2013

The clean sharp light of His love breaks through

Both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep. But God shall shoot at them with an arrow.  Psalm 64:6-7

What really lies within?
Deep, deep, down below the tangle of emotions and memories and circumstances there lies a beating heart, hidden from all.  Even I only have occasional glimpses within, moments of intuition and clarity, and then a thick curtain falls back into place, shutting out the light.  I turn away.  

But there is One who hunts relentlessly.  He does not faint or grow weary.  He has left the ninety-and-nine to chase me down.  And because He Knows– He who knit me together in my mother’s womb– He can draw back the Bow of Love and take careful aim, careful to do no harm, but enough to pierce the dark recesses and call out His love.

And all men shall know, and shall declare the work of God. 

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