Thursday, February 7, 2013

As a snail which melteth

Do you mighty people talk
only to oppose justice? 
    Don’t you ever judge fairly?
You are always planning evil,
    and you are brutal.
You have done wrong and lied
    from the day you were born.
Your words spread poison
    like the bite of a cobra
    that refuses to listen
    to the snake charmer. Psalm 58:4-7

This is David’s cry for justice (set to the tune of “Don’t Destroy”?). A cry that echos even more loudly today simply because we are so much more aware of the broken helplessness of the weak and humble.  And yet our hearts are hard and we bumble through our daily business untouched beyond momentary pangs that are quickly assuaged through distraction.

Dear LORD I long to engage.  Look to me. I want to be a wall builder, to stand in the gap.  Show me the place where I can plant my feet and do battle against the lies that oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the alien, denying them justice.

Dear LORD let me be sensitive to Your voice and calling and step into the fray for Your honor and glory.  Amen.

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