Thursday, March 19, 2015

A tiniest glimpse of His glory and goodness.

Call to Worship Serve the Lord with gladness, for the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100

Confession Make us new, that we might have peace with You, peace with each other, and peace within ourselves.

Contemplation For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. Jeremiah proclaimed the coming judgment of God. Jesus bore the weight of God’s judgment in our place. His blood speaks a better word.

When Jesus stood in that awful gap between God and his people, the curtain of the temple was torn asunder. The presence and power of God was made available to all. Their mourning would be turned to laughing. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Prayer By Grace, today I will fast from trying to perform because only in Christ can I experience extravagant acceptance without experiencing exhausting performance. Today I will keep close to Jesus: I am already loved. I repent of not walking with You, Jesus, every moment which too often leaves me driven hard by pride and fear every day.  -VosKamp

So I get it. Googleanything is not God.

But, man, googlemaps is the coolest. Even cooler than the Powers of Ten video I loved showing my sixth graders. And as Brandon and I hunch together over the little laptop and zoom into any of those flat, solid seemingly empty shapes and drop the little orange man marker randomly into any place along the road from Genoa, Italy to Santiago Campostela, Spain, we can instantly enter the cobbled roads and windy ocean overlooks that we plan on cycling through in just two months. And nod to the three old ladies frozen in time chatting over laundry.  Or smile at the daddy walking down the street with his two little girls with braids flipping with a head toss.

And He has not forgotten us, the people of His pasture. And His eye is upon us. Not just in gleaming 3D color with pretty decent resolution. But all the way into what is hidden behind the whitewashed walls. He sees our heart. And our longings and our mourning. And He is not dismayed or taken aback. For these sins He died. But not really for the sins, but rather for the beloved sinners. That each of us shall come into His presence and be made new. The curtain has been ripped forever. Once and for all.

That we might know peace, His peace. For all generations. He is our peace.

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