YAHWEH looks down from heaven, He sees the whole human race; From where He sits he watches all who live on the earth, He who molds every heart and takes note of all that men do. Psalm 33:13
But Jesus on His part did not entrust himself to them, because He knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for He himself knew what was in man. John 2:24
This is yet another claim by John that Jehovah God and Jesus are one and the same. Which is stunning because John from birth had of course been brought up to know to believe to understand with every fiber of his body: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one," and that Truth was the foundation for all that he was and thought and did.
And yet, Jesus his companion and friend, the guy from Nazareth, revealed Himself to be the I AM so clearly, over and over, that a fresh revelation of what is True was able to take root and flourish.
And it seems that sometimes this was lost in the day to day, in the grumbling and complaining and the shooing away of small children.
But every now and then, the wind and the waves would calm, and John and the other disciples would fall to their knees and worship Him.
Dear LORD, please calm the storm of my heart. Tear away the curtain. I fall to my knees and worship You.

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