When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” John 2: 3-4
Some thoughts.
First, Mary who knew Him best, and knew that He knew her, still brought her requests to Him. I am quite sure He could figure out that there was no wine, but nevertheless part of their relationship involved articulating needs.
Perhaps it is because we need to admit that we are needy creatures. At a deeper level it involves being aware that I am a needy creature rather than one just floating through life, taking what may come along, with no engagement. Sort of like snorkling which I found to be the most relaxing thing ever, adrift. Great for a moment, but not a good way to live.
And we need to know where to go with our problems. Mary was certainly not out back stomping grapes. Rushing off to the neighbor ladies. Selling the family heirlooms. No sense of panic or What am I to do. She took her needs straight to Him.
Second, it’s about timing. Jesus operates on a totally different definition of time. And He is in control. Things don’t operate on my limited understanding of what is urgent.
Yet, be ready to leap into obedience when the moment arrives. No hesitation. “Do whatever He tells you.”
The results? His glory was manifest and the disciples knew that He was indeed the Promised One, the Christ.
And they stayed.

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