But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:43-45
Not exactly the verse I was looking for today. I was more hoping along the lines of Come unto me, all you weary and you laden. (btw thank you Cameron for being the soundtrack to my life.)
Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD. Psalm 31:24
You strengthen me more and more; you enfold me and comfort me. Psalm 71:21
I imagine as Jesus walked down the road to Jerusalem, walking ahead of his both amazed and frightened disciples and followers, His heart was comforted by the Psalms, the soundtrack of His life.
And the whole thing about the journey to Jerusalem is that it is one step at a time. And let me strengthened and comforted by the LORD. He is faithful.
And when the path gets a little rocky the Christy of me want to grab back control. But I must remember that moment of joy when I shouted, “It is the Lord!” and leapt out of the boat.
And I don’t want to be like James and John who mostly wanted to fast forward past Jerusalem and discuss the seating arrangements at the big table, who is sitting where, and to settle into the journey itself, the picking up the cross bit and the kneeling and washing feet bit.
One of my student-friends just spent some time walking part of El Camino de Santiago. And she fell and couldn’t finish it out. But that’s ok. She has bunches of beauty and glory tucked inside her heart now.
And so the day begins. At my doorstep. Come unto
Me, all you weary and you wired, and be.
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