Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Not all those who wander are lost.

I, John, who am your brother and your companion in the distress, the kingdom and the faithful endurance to which Jesus calls us. Revelation 1:9

Yep. The Kingdom is now. But it comes in the midst of distress and endurance. And Brandon and I were talking last night at family dinner about how for every single swim practice, we stand at the edge of pool and hesitate before the long expanse in front of us.  Every single day. A huge pause before the plunge.

And yep, Peterson sort of nailed it, with his Long obedience in the same direction idea.

And I am grateful for my brothers and companions in the distress. And last night we gathered under the dark, dark blue starlit sky in the bouncy metal patio chairs around Tim-cooked kabobs and brown rice and mom’s bread dipped in great olive oil and salsa almost too hot for Dustin and little Everette galloping around in the dust, so very aware of the goodness in the warm presence of the fellowship of the unashamed.

And my head is crammed full of Subvert the Norm lesson plans that I am getting excited about for Fahrenheit 451 and me, te, se, lo, la direct objects and energy production and tents and coolers and posterboards of song lyrics and early morning conversations about very big things with people I love so much and snatched phrases humming in the background and go go go. But pause before the plunge.

Jesus calls us.

And thank you for the brothers and companions. And thank you for the kingdom in the midst of the distress and endurance.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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