Friday, December 15, 2017

And I type my new TUSD password dozens of times a day: ItIsW3ll.

The sunrise is gold
For a breath of a moment
A new day dawning

I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms

I no longer shiver, take a deep breath and dive into the sunrise.
Rather, I now tighten my helmet, strap on the gloves, and pedal madly east, into the light.

And each morning as I settle my foot onto the pedal, all is billowy and golden and gleaming hope.
But it quickly fades into dull grey and the weight of pushy vehicles and deeply rutted roads and just missed lights settles down around the morning joy.

Let it not be so.

Let me O Lord watch this day for Your light,
Your light reflecting
With the friendly wave from the cross walk guard in the bright orange vest
In the red and green blinking light and tinsel front office Christmas madness
Through each cheery smile as I walk down the hall
About each upturned first grade face as they settle around me for today’s lesson
Across each weary but kind soul celebrating payday at Kon Tiki Bar at the day’s end
And tonight, around the sweet face of Michele, Wen’s newborn child for whom she will pay a great price of sacrificial love

I have never taught phonics in my life.
A first time for everything.

But I am, obviously, going to introduce the fourth grade teachers to Wanda Phillips and Easy Grammar and her lists of prepositions.

Prepositions are all about relationship.

A new day dawning.

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