Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Oneness in freedom and joy.

This became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. Acts 19:17

The context of this verse reveals that it is a dreadful thing indeed to claim the name of Jesus to cover for your own agenda and purpose and glory. God used this rather dramatic story, that of the demon leaping up and overpowering the seven sons of the high priest until they fled the house, beaten and naked. The LORD Jesus is magnified through repentance (the believers confessing their sins, rejecting the powers of the world more interested in protecting their wealth and the way things have always been, burning their books) and living wholeheartedly with a single purpose.

Father, we ask you that You would purify us. That we might in humility and truth repent of “the books” in which we have placed our trust.  May we burn them, with freedom and joy and follow You unbound by fear and tradition to proclaim Your power and love, Your kingdom come.

I have joined together with a group of others, committed to oneness during this Lenten Season, forty days of repentance and purification. And freedom and joy. And oddly enough, a story of one who ran lightly on his toes in this great race of life bubbled up through the internet, the story of my daddy.



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