Monday, April 28, 2014

Deep calls to deep. Come Lord Jesus, come.

And Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them but did not ask counsel from the Lord. Joshua 9:15

What does it mean to seek counsel from the LORD?

And I am a good little kid and I know all about looking at Scripture and looking for biblical principles and patterns, and seeking godly advise from godly people. And everyone who knows me, knows that I am wont to walk in the footsteps of oh-ye-of-little-faith Gideon laying out fleeces in the pastures and standing back to how God steps in. And He has been kind to me-of-little-faith over the years.
But there is something more, something in the quiet of one’s heart, where He resides.  Or sometimes it feels more like the whispering of the tree leaves as I sit outside in His presence. Or the testimony of Lewis, ““I was driven to Whipsnade one sunny morning. When we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did. Yet I had not exactly spent the journey in thought. Nor in great emotion. “Emotional” is perhaps the last word we can apply to some of the most important events. It was more like when a man, after a long sleep, still lying motionless in bed, becomes aware that he is now awake.” 

That is often my experience each morning. Not exactly spending the journey, back and forth, flip, flip, flip between the walls of the University of Arizona Hillenbrand Pool, in thought, but when I pull myself out, I know the answer.

Because seeking counsel requires stillness. The pause. Before I plunge into my own wayward plots and sensibilities.

Because, as I read and considered yesterday, The LORD God is not one for compromise. 

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