My prayer for you is
that you may have still more love—a love that is full of knowledge and wise
insight. I want you to be able always to recognise the highest and the best,
and to live sincere and blameless lives until the day of Jesus Christ. I want
to see your lives full of true goodness, produced by the power that Jesus
Christ gives you to the praise and glory of God. Philippians 4:1
Well my bags are
packed. The seven or eight tightly
rolled up shirts. A couple boxes of wet wipes. The purple sleeping pad. Trash
bags. My Spanish New Testament. A journal. Yes, I remembered my passport. Newspaper
and flour and balloons for making piñatas. Sunscreen. A water bottle.
And my heart is bubbling
up with joy as I consider the kiddos. The ones who were willing to push aside
sleeping in late and texting and Instagram in exchange for clouds of dust and
latrines that reek of disinfectant and no showers and lots of pato, pato, pavo,
and a long bus ride there and back. All this for a glimpse of God at work–this
is my prayer for them. May they may still have more love, because as is stamped
across yet one more Mexico Outreach t-shirt: Love Never Fails.
It’s been a full few
weeks…Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. Highlands Ranch, Colorado. And now, El
Buen Samaritano in Colonia Mayos in Mexicali. Pastor Humberto Palma R. who
wants to serve all of the people. Particularly serving breakfast to the children.
And teaching the Word of God to drug addicts and alcoholics and to everyone
else. So we have our little dramas and our crayons and our soccer balls and
even two lacrosse sets and three guitars, and who knows if there are sidewalks
for our chalk. And we shall see what we shall see. Love Never Fails. That’s
what is says across my t-shirt.
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