Let us give thanks to the LORD for His mercy
and the wonders He does for His children. For He satisfies the thirsty and
fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107:8-9
And as the deer longs
for water brooks, so my soul thirsts for You oh LORD. My soul is athirst for
God, athirst for the living God. Psalm 42:1-2
And my tummy is quite full, thank you, with oatmeal and
raspberries and freshly ground Starbucks Breakfast Blend as I sit here with
Pippen snuggled at my feet.
And I think of other wonders and good things from His hand,
particularly as I sift through today’s Facebook photos…watching Marco wander
the streets and byways of London as he translates for a group of Franciscan
monks on an evangelistic journey. Who would have thought? And Matteo singing
happy songs with his dad, recovering from a horrific car accident. And Andrea
and Charly splashing along the seashore of Rhode Island. Good things.
And life is hard, and I have an ever-growing list of beloved
people who I am carrying to the LORD God Almighty and in the midst of not
understanding the mystery of prayer but knowing that He commands us to pray, I
lift them up. And wait for His mercy and wonders.
alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you.
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you.
And as one who has sung those Scripture
choruses with one or two guitars and a clump of fairly sincere teenagers over
and over, the words are certainly engraved deeply in my heart. And yesterday, I
marked a small blue X on the back of each of my hands, as I headed back into
Tucson after lots of full tummy. This blue X is a reminder of yielding my
Spirit, to stand back so that He can work mightily, and that all might be
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