I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
This is one of my daily verses. The muttered prayer under my breath as I head into every day...the turn north on Wilmot to Grace and Desert Christian, the turn west as I headed away from the rising sun into the Tucson Mountain range toward Wildcat, sometimes, often, with tears of helplessness in my eyes, and once again, every single morning as I face the small, unassuming ACSI office. I thank God often for the mountains that march around Tucson.
There is no sense, really, in lifting one’s eyes to the jagged black line that traces the divide between dawn and the awakening world beneath. I really get it that the LORD who made heaven and earth does not live in some hut away up high. (BTW, the grammar police in me does not like the impersonal “which” nor the separating comma which signifies that the information provided by the clause is not required to identify the person or thing–His creating heaven and earth is like a major factor in His LORDshipness, in my mind.)
But as I have mulled over this verse over the many, many years, it has become a personal declaration that the hustle and bustle and push and shove and scrabble and fret of below is not my Help. This verse signifies my decision, my choice, to lift up mine eyes, to look upward and outward to the eternal significance of that day. And, well, I do get distracted from this Truth. Sometimes almost immediately as the hooks of the day dig into my flesh. But what a grace that when I step out of the door or glance out of the window, those sweeping hills are there to remind me of His love, of His power, and of His perspective from up on high, above time and space.
Amen and amen again.