And He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul. Psalm 106:15
Sometimes God gives us what we ask for: second best.
Balaam had such a story. He seems to have done the right thing when the big fancy fine people offered him riches and honor; he sought God’s guidance. But he didn’t like the answer, and asked again. And again. And finally God gave in, and things didn’t turn out so well–it turns out that a donkey was more attuned to God’s will than he, and he never got his reward and his name is forever linked to that of an ass.
And Abraham whose faith somehow sets the standard simply didn’t want to wait. And God gave him a son, Ishmael, through Hagar his handservant. And that didn’t turn out so well either. And maybe ol’ Lot might have had a better ending if he hadn’t taken the shortcut.
The lean anxiety of sifting and weighing and snatching up the burden once again. Rather than leave it in the grave where it belongs. Christ has set me free; Let me not be entangled once again in the yoke of bondage.
Give me a fat, happy soul.
That moment on Easter evening, where I wiped my mouth both literally and figuratively. Just after that one last bite of homemade vanilla bean ice cream so I could swirl a shot of expresso into its sweetness. There was no more room. Contentedness until it sloshed over the rim. And I had done nothing. Just opened up my mouth and He filled it.
A settledness of It is finished. He is enough. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the LORD foreverness.

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