Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Um, Nothing

Make me understand the way of Your commandments, that I may meditate on Your marvelous works.  Psalm 119: 27

I think about the wrong things. 

Mostly, I think my general meditations have become fluff, reflecting the distracted torrent of information and sensory stimulation of modern day life.  Random and short-lived with no real objective. 

Christy, what are you thinking?

Uh, nothing.

I sometimes worry that I have even become incapable of following a train of thought.  That my brain is too jittery.  That I have hopped, skipped and jumped through gchats, The Week summaries and snippets of conversations for so long, that vital bits of my brain have atrophied. 

God’s commands are not like that.  He is in this for the long haul, for eternity.  Indeed, He is not bound by time, which puts His way on a whole different plane than our experience.

I will declare the mysteries of ancient times.  That which we have heard and known, and what our forefathers have told us, we will not hide from their children. We will recount to generations to come the praiseworthy deeds and the power of the LORD, and the wonderful works he has done.

LORD, open my eyes that I may behold the wonders of Your law.  That by reflecting on Your words, that I may know You.  That You, in all of Your power and love and grace and wisdom, might fill my thoughts.  That is really the sort of person I long to become.

May God bless you with discomfort
At easy answers, half-truths,
And superficial relationships
So that you may live deep within your heart.    St Francis

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