Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Hand-knit Blanket

Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in Your truth; knit my heart to You that I may fear your Name.  Psalm 86:11

When Alan is really tired, sometimes he snores so loudly it feels like the bed is actually shaking.  So I slide out, wrap myself up in the white blanket knit by Mrs. Hosterman, and stretch out on the couch.  I noticed last night that even though the blanket (freshly washed and scented of lavender) is really technically full of holes, it is amazingly warm, even when the early morning chill strolls in through the back door.

It is a lovely thought that my heart could be so tangled up with God that it would be impossible to tell where He left off and I began.  Knitted material has rhythmic patterns; it makes sense.  Those patterns are beautiful, and create intricate designs.  And the fabric is not only useful, but it is useful in a strong, flexible sense.  It flexes under pressure, and yet holds tough. 

Interestingly enough, the “fear of the LORD” is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, as described in Isaiah 11: 2-3, that rested upon Jesus.  Putting the LORD God in the proper perspective of “ the convergence of awe, reverence, adoration, honor, worship, confidence, thankfulness, love, and, yes, fear” was part of the nature of Christ played out in who He was and how He lived. 

Hebrew poetry is all wrapped up in the repetition of ideas, rather than the repetition of sounds, so therefore, walking in His truth is the same as fearing His name.  Understanding even a glimpse of who He is properly fills me with fear, and allows me to be one with Him, tangled up with one heart and one purpose. 

Dear LORD, may I be filled with a sense of Your awesome being today, and may its Truth be reflected in how I love and live today.    

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