Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Fire in the Fireplace

And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.  Luke 22:4

We all do the Judas thing to one degree or the other.  Or the Peter thing.  Or maybe the sleeping disciple thing.  We know better.  We have seen His hand at work.  We have heard His voice.  We have participated with joy in His big plan.  But sometimes we worry more about the religious or political ramifications.  Or we are gripped by an inexplicable panic when a curious onlooker asks if we are with Him.  Or we miss the Road Less Traveled for any myriad reasons, none of which involve alert loving, but mostly we are tired or worried or sad.  

Last night, a disparate group of people gathered under the backyard twinkly lights on heaps of cushions amidst platters of amazing tapas and shared this “A Road Less Traveled” moment.  Some of them were shots in the dark, no rhyme or reason to the momentous decision as they peered ahead past the undergrowth, but others told of a moment of faithfulness in small things: listening to a parent’s advise, stepping without hesitation through a door shoved open by God, learning from a painful experience, choosing the inconvenient consequences of being a person of integrity, committing to a difficult person ... there were many.  

But none struck my heart quite so profoundly as when Frederic tried to summarize the past six months of his life, leaving out none of the important bits.   And he side-stepped all of the snares that lay in his path, and declared in a nice, clear voice, “I can call myself a Christian now.”

And does anyone want a capuchino?  

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