Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Empty Jars

Satisfy us by your loving-kindness in the morning so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life.  Psalm 90: 14

I can only think that this verse is saying, “In order to be happy, ya gotta have a morning quiet time.”  Is that true? 

In the morning we bring our achy thirsty little hearts to God, and set them down.  Maybe it helps a little big to peer into the void a little, shake it a little to settle things down. It’s a good thing to notice that we really are thirsty.  Sometimes we forget.  Well, don’t forget.  But sometimes, most of the time, we might lose hope, and swallow a few brave swallows, tighten our belt and rush out the door with empty jars.

Sometimes He might have to patch the holes a bit.  Deal with issues that leak.  Jagged cracks that require His Spirit to soften the clay so that His smooth strong hands can reshape and fortify the walls. 

And then wait.  And allow the LORD God to fill us up, to quench the loneliness, the weary dustyness, the cracked and unproductive hardness to overflowing.  His love and kindness are ours for the taking.  Every morning.

Rejoice because our God is a living and active God who is taking part in the daily fray.  He has not abandoned His world.  His people.  And He shall triumph.  And He does- each and every day decisive battles take place and He and we are victorious.  Let us rejoice. 

And be glad.  The gladness of purpose and goodness.  And calling.  The richness of Truth that refreshes and brings forth fruit. 

And may we have springs of living water flowing out of our lives, as we make our pilgrimage through a dry and thirsty land.  

Cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust.  Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto Thee.  Deliver me, O God.  Teach me to do Thy will.  Quicken me O LORD, I lift up my soul unto Thee.

So be it.  

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